In Tales of the Mushurai, players interact with the world through a simple point and click interface to direct the three Mushurai, namely Doku, Enoki, and Erin, on a journey to save the captured mushroom princess, Hirahime.
Final mock game Trailer
Pacing and direction of the trailer was first drafting up on a storyboard.
Animation Test
Characters were drawn in Adobe Illustrator as vector files, and rigged in Adobe After Effects for animation.
The Mushurai
(From the left: Eryn the spear wielder, Doku the sword wielder, and Enoki the archer)
Mushurai, a name derived from what they simply are - mushroom warriors who serve the mushroom kingdom.
Trailer stills
Tales of the Mushurai
Tales of the Mushurai is imagined as a puzzle point-and-click adventure game.
(Click on image for enlarged version)